家 旅 Experiment Voyage


| 與山共融, 每一處皆反映了這個家的生活印象 |

All design elements reflex the lively image of a classy residence.





依山勢而居的獨棟別墅,基本建物有著樓高錯置的格局, 微調了整體比例、移除阻擋視覺的物件。

Built as a single-family villa by taking advantage of the natural mountain landscape, this architecture is noted for its well-arranged high and low levels.



| 輕巧 是我們的設計概念 |

The main design concept is "light" which makes the best use of proportional design.




The objects which may create barriers to beautiful visual image were eliminated. The living room, dining room and the kitchen were well arranged along an axis so that the large space is not "flattened"

| 隨山而生的居住環境 |

現代簡約 × 材質表情 × 家的氛圍

The high and low levels provide "layered beauty and interest". The architecture's modern simplicity and the expression of the building materials create the atmosphere of a cozy family.





| 放低高度 引入山間意境 |


安排,半透隱密的主臥衛浴也能引入陽台之外的山間意境 。

As the residence is built in a setting of mountains, the height of furniture is lowered so that the focal point is on the mountain view.

Moreover, the use of glass and mirrors bring in much more mountain view. The inclined rooftop allows the semi-transparent bathroom to let in more reflexed lush mountain scenery.




| 華城 家旅 |

這是一趟精彩的實驗旅程,特別與 永康、珮珊 共同完成。

Dream big, speak the truth, treasure your friends, awesome!






Editing by 大雄設計 SNUPER DESIGN

大雄室內設計 Snuper Design 
大雄設計團隊 Email:snuperdesign@gmail.com 
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